Looking at the fridge, trying to decide what to have for breakfast (the food is inside, Cate)

My beloved bunny shower curtain which may soon be replaced by a shower curtain 'map of the world'-bit pointless for two short sighted people who can't see a thing without their glasses.

Pillow case I am refashioning into a elephant softie!

Making hair clips for Polka Dot Rabbit.

Chris' guitar seems to have taken up residence in the living room.

The finished products! (I should've taken a better photo but was too tired and a bit depressed to find a plain white piece of paper)...
Um.. why are you replacing the shower curtain? It's gorgeous!
Yeah go the bunny!
That slinky picture is the coolest! And the little birdy brooches are sweet...I'm loving my purse by the way, I keep my medication in it, so it's always with me :D
Yeah the shower curtain is a bit moldy! I'll eventually make some kind of jacket out of it!
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