It's not been a particularly productive or exciting week as I've been struggling with some grief issues and depression. I took tuesday off work and went and had a pedicure and got my hair dyed red. Alot of people are of the view that you should 'just get on with things' but its not the easiest thing to do when you keep bursting into tears, especially when you are at work. So I sometimes need a day to myself to get things together and deal with things.
Recieved an engagement present today (wine and glasses) which is really lovely. Will have to check the etiquette with mum, do you write thank you cards these days? It kinda annoys me that some people haven't even had the courtesy to RSVP to the engagement party (even though the RSVP is explicitly stated). I'll be a bit peeved if they turn up as if nothing has happened, as we had to cull the list in the first place as we have a budget and size limitations.
But still it should be a fun party :-)
Things I've been working on:
Purses from English school girl comics (well one of them) :

Badges from lollies (we recieved a huge delivery at work!) Not sure if people would buy these...

Here are some pics from the internet that I love that i have come across today

And a cartoon pic of my sweetie...

Things I am working on:(some are done, some in the contemplative stage, some need motivation to be done, others half done and resting)....
- record badges and earrings
- cassette wallets
- monkey badges
- button badges
- flower hair clips
- fabric flower hair clips
- fabric scarfs
- fabric purses
- map badges
- map journals
- sun hats
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