The weekend was good fun. Went to a friend's gallery exhibition

It was really hot and I felt really ill so had to go home after. I woke up on the kitchen floor which was rather disconcerting. The side effects of going onto Zoloft are really similar to those detoxing off it. I've discovered the hard way after trying for a few weeks that I am really really struggling with withdrawal symptoms, particular mood swings and bouts of aggression. So, I've gone back on them and will taper off gradually with the help of a naturopath this time.
Saturday Chris and i went to CERES to get our bikes fixed. It should be a bit easier with the gears working properly now. Went home and had yummy fruit salad and turkish bread and cheese and watched The Office christmas special.
Later on I went to the Espy to see Macaca Mulatta....
Sunday Chris and I went to the NGV to see The Modern British Exhibition which I really enjoyed

And afterwards, we had our engagement party at Dante's. Lots of fun. Pics to follow....
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