Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What I've been up to....

pic via ffffound.com

I feel I've been rather neglecting this blog as I've been quite busy and also quite tired. I have been diagnosed with an underactive thyroid and some related sleep disorders so I'm often very weary and don't always have enough energy to do everything I would like...

Things I am making:

-Red stitch embroidery/applique for Kootoyoo's red stitch quilt
-Embroidered gloves for a new stockist in London
-special order map coasters
-more comic wallets and bits and pieces for old and new stockists
-upcrafted ceramic crockery (stay tuned for pics!)

Things I have been doing:

-decluttering the house ( a massive task! We are holding a stall at CERES market in a couple of weeks and will be selling loads of books, cd's (our whole collecting is being digitised), fabric, vintage homewares and other bits and pieces. Whatever we don't sell will be donated to charity.

-organising our one year wedding anniversary celebration. We'll be staying overnight at the Melbourne Zoo as part of Roar N Snore! So excited.

-pet sitting a rather cheeky persian cat called Bella

-buying art (must remember pics!)

-organising an interview with Frankie Magazine about our Green Renters site

-learning German


-exercising when I can and eating healthy

-working of course!

I found this on the internet and I really like it: