Friday, October 29, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
It's out!

ps-In case you're wondering, the photo on the front cover is of the delish Vegan Parma, available at Brunswick's very own East Brunswick Club
pps-We went to Fo Guang Yuan Art Gallery cafe for lunch today. I've not been there before, but Chris was very disappointed, apparently the menu has changed substantially with only a few 'snacky' kind of dishes (not cheap), noodles, and a lot of different teas and desserts. I had a bowl of noodles with faux-pork and vegetables. Tasty for $9.90 but it would have been nice if it came with tea as some of the other dishes. I'm not big on faux meats, as I have to limit my tofu and gluten intake, but once in a while is ok.
Good people make good things happen

Pretty awesome hey? Equally awesome is the Softies for Mirabel campaign organised by the lovely Pip of Meet me at Mikes. You can make a cute softie of your own and it will be donated to a child from Mirabel. I met a couple of women from the Mirabel Foundation last night, amazing work they do! You can find out more info from Pip's website here. I'm thinking I'll make some more duck softies and maybe some dinosaurs!Mirabel assists children who have been orphaned or abandoned due to parental illicit drug use and are now in the care of extended family (kinship care). Mirabel believes that every child deserves a childhood and its mission is to break the destructive cycle of addiction.
Mirabel supports children aged 0-17 years and works at restoring a child’s sense of self-worth, belonging and hope for the future in order for them to reach their full potential as young adults.

Have you made something good happen lately? Email me at cate@polkadotrabbit.com so I can share the goodness! xx

Sunday, October 24, 2010
Meme about me...

Chunkychooky has a little meme to play along with which looked like fun:
4 things that I always* carry:
- Money-necessary evil
- Ventolin-asthma
- Hankerchief-rotten hayfever this time of year, well all year round really.
- Keys
4 things that are in my bedroom:
- A portrait of myself and my husband painted by a good friend as an engagement present.
- Piles of books and cds, we lack space and have been trying to sell them off for ages! We've had lots of garage sales.
- A biscuit tin decorated with yellow stained glass looking daffodils which I bought a few years ago in the UK.
- Perfume. I don't wear make up very often but I love perfume. Even if I can't smell it (see above)
4 things that I would like to do, but haven't done yet:
- Visit eastern Europe
- Have a craft residency in a gallery/museum overseas
- Publish a book
- Have a second wedding. (the first was fun but not entirely what we wanted)
4 things that you don't know about me:
- I'm reasonably good at Scrabble
- I have a degree in Criminology which is of no actual use
- I'm addicted to salty foods
- I'm a terrible sleeper
- Where is my brother? (existentially)
- Will I ever be thin again?
- What shall we have for dinner?
- Why do people always stand at pedestrian traffic lights but fail to push the button?
Everyday is like sunday....

This morning I woke up feeling reasonably ok considering I drank a bottle and a half of wine yesterday at a backyard barbecue. After a cup of tea and some vegemite toast Chris and I went along to a school fete at a park around the cormer from our house. I bought some bearded irises and native daisies, anzac biscuits and an amazing chocolate cupcake.
The plants are now in the front garden with a heap of compost dug in from the worm farm!
In case you're now in the mood for Anzac Biscuits, here's a recipe"
1 cup rolled oats
3/4 cup desiccated coconut
1 cup plain flour
1 cup sugar
125g (4oz) butter
2 tablespoons golden syrup
1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1 tablespoon water
Preheat oven to 300F (150C)
Mix oats, flour, sugar and coconut together.
Melt syrup and butter together.
Mix soda with boiling water and add to melted butter and syrup.
Add to dry ingredients.
Place 1 tablespoonfuls of mixture on greased tray (allow room for spreading).
Bake for 20 minutes.
Loosen while warm, cool on trays.
(makes about 35)
recipe from here
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Things I like today

One of my new fave songs

Love the milk glass!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Things I like today

Have you seen much of the Melbourne International Arts festival? Last night we went to see An Anthology of Optimism. It was wonderful!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Things I like today

One of the advantages of warmer weather is coming is that we will soon be able to walk around in barefeet instead of socks and slippers! Working from home, i wear slippers, very unfashionable I'm sure. Pic from here
Loving this article. Say no to poncy food hehe. Some of my favourite comfortable food are (veg) sausages and mash; roast veggies; tomato soup; vegemite on turkish bread; avocado on toast with black pepper; spaghetti on toast and the like! Do you have favourites that you return to time and time again? Foods that aren't cool but you love them?
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Things I like today

Yes, I am a terrible blogtoberfest correspondent but will try to catch up, I've been flat chat helping with the online version of the Veg Food Guide, lots of staring at spread sheets, not good for bad eyesight!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Things I like today

By the way, I'm also selling a few bits and pieces on ebay with more to come. Do have a look.
Friday, October 15, 2010
The wonder of creative Melbourne

Then we went for rather awesome mushroom and spinach dumplings at David and Camy's Dumpling House. Excellent.

Thursday, October 14, 2010
What I've been up too: my creative space

Badge making! October 31st is World Vegan Day and I'm making badges for Aduki Press, my husband's rather awesome publishing company. I also do custom badges! Contact me if you're interested.
You can see more creative spaces over here
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Self Portrait-Day 13 of Blogtoberfest

Created as part of 2008 Fringe Festival's Totem exhibition, held at Federation Square, this self portrait represents my love of bunnies, struggle with body image and depression: (the black dog) and my open heart.... I enjoyed making it, and I've had a few requests by people for their own portraits but nothing definite. I think a personalised totem doll would be an awesome gift for someone special!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Things I like today

Monday, October 11, 2010
Things I like today

I must confess I'm a bad blogtoberfest participant! I spend the weekend completely away from the computer and didn't blog at all! Rest assured I'll make a few extra posts to make up the difference :)
Friday, October 8, 2010
It's that time of year...

Thursday, October 7, 2010
Things I like today

Loving these stools, just amazing work!

I think if you have children you should take them to see Terrible Comfort's Owl In Spotlight at La Mama Theatre from October 20th . Included in the show is an exhibition of hand crafted owls from artists around Australia, who form the opening overture to the show.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Things I like today