I decided to make vegan cinnamon scrolls. I found a recipe online but to be honest it was too hard for someone who has never even made bread before. So I improvised from the recipe on the yeast packet. Baking with yeast takes a long time and as I didn't have enough time for the dough to sit for a second time before rolling an baking, the scrolls ended up a bit thicker than I would've liked. They were still yummy however, very rich and decadent and the kind of dish where you really only need one, it's enough to send you into a sugar coma!

Chris made a quite tasty hashbrown type bake though again he ran out of time to let it crisp a bit more.

Craig and Bec made these amazing dips and bread as well as a divine garlic aioli and some lovely tempeh strips.
Steph made this delicious char kuay teow, which I loved as I am a huge fan of noodles!

Lisa made this yummy okonomiyagi which was something I've not tried before and very tasty.

There were also another potato dish some amazing jelly cakes and lamingtons made by Toby and Kristy which I loved as I have a soft spot for them. I had a to have lie down and a coffee after I got home to recover from all the sugar before we went to the next social engagement, an evening barbeque followed by Oz Rock karaoke. A fun, action filled day!
-I use the term UnAustralian, as the meat industry has loads of ads around Australia day, equating national pride with eating lamb. Quite ridiculous.
Hi Cate! Just found your blog & twitter :)
And yum, I want a cinnamon roll! You guys now how to brunch it up!
Mandee xox
Yum! This all looks so so good!
I went into a total sugar coma. It was amazing!
Great to meet you and taste your cinnamon rolls, maybe we will see you at another potluck, if you still in Melbourne much longer. I'm having a gluten free picnic potluck in Brunswick, with lots of the same people in late feb, if you are interested just email me at inthemoodfornoodles (at) blogspot (dot) (com)
Yep, those cinnamon rolls look glorious. Yearning. *sigh*
Cate, do you want to have some appropriate tag of your blog subscribed to planet.vegmel.com ?
For instance your 'vegan' tag? http://rabbitwithpolkadots.blogspot.com/search/label/vegan
It all looks yummy! I'm spewin' I missed it (although Bali WAS good!)
Hopefully I'll get to meet you at another pot luck soon :)
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