We went and saw the Art Deco exhibition on friday at the National Gallery. I was pleased to see some Clarice Cliff work. You couldn't take photos or I would show you some, but here's an Oliver Bernard designed piece which featured in its glory.

Also went to some of the Laneway exhibition. I'll post some pics from the home pc at some stage.
I had some good news today at work, one of my ideas has been accepted and I've had really positive feedback.
I've been brainstorming Polka Dot Rabbit summer stock ideas and have a few things in mind. I haven't had alot of creative space with all things wedding, but better things are to come I hope!
Waiting to go see a Fringe Festival show, Le Chocolaut which should be fun.
Being married is fun but it was fun being together without the marriage!
How cute is this pic of a friend's baby lamb?

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