I got a rather lovely mention in MichiGirl
yesterday :-). Most exciting as I have an abundance of orders for gloves!:

Friday: Mainly fine but still only 14.
Northern exposure
Thursday, 7th August 2008
Some of you were appalled at my lack of containment and grace when faced with the Piedemonte's car park (shall we call it 'the finger incident'). Others of you have applauded it and I imagine that those in favour are aware of the pile up I mention that is the Piedes car park in North Fitzroy. I only mention it again because now these fingerless cat gloves
are helping my finger stay incognito. Plus I was looking for an excuse to use this headline.

I also got featured in a craft article for City Weekly yesterday, promotong craft and the Craftea Chat workshops. I'll scan it in over the weekend :-)
Craftea Chat workshops started on Wednesday night. 15 awesome women experienced the joys of crafting from myself and my most marvellous instructor
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