I am facilitating a Craft and Zine fair in Abbotsford on October 20th as part of Chris Chinchilla's next Antescene event.
Antescene was founded in London after constant frustrations with promoters informing new bands they can only play if they could pull more than 30 people. It provides events aim to give promising and exciting news bands a place to play where bar takings and door numbers are irrelevant.
Antescene works with venues that aren't venues, warehouses, galleries, squats, people's front rooms, creating a professionally organised and promoted show where it's all about the music.
Antescene started in London, hosting two shows that attracted in excess of 600 people and has since run two successful shows in Melbourne with more to come...
It'll be a great event, running from early evening to late with loads of live music, chocolate crackles and other goodies, craftiness and great fun.
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