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![]() | cuteoverload.com ![]() This site should be compulsory viewing for anyone with depression or grief.... |
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Cute Overload...how i adore thee.....
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Faster than a speeding bullet...
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![]() | Chris and I went to acouple of exhibitions at the National Gallery of Victoria on sunday. I like this Gerard Ritcher painting, it's based on the idea of a blurry photo... Other things happening: -Election colouring book has been printed and we are working on distribution and promotion... -Cool market coming up at Section 8 -organising a trip to the Zoo for my work volunteers -booking the wedding @registry office on friday. We all went and had a look at the Convent on saturday. It was gorgeous but the function room was way too big and the cost somewhat exorbitant for where we are at and who we are. We are intending on a registry wedding followed by a function somewhere with music and mexican food and jugs of cocktails.... We don't really celebrate Halloween in Australia at all, but I like this site full of Halloween Amy Winehouses... ![]() |
Friday, October 26, 2007
Weekend comes again
Busy weekend planned, Chris has a gig tonight in Abbotsford. We are going to take mum to The Convent for a look tomorrow and to formally book the wedding. (wee!). Tomorrow night there's a couple of parties on and Steve Kilby gig on sunday.
Here's some cute pics...
Me and Floss a few months ago at the vet
How amazing are these cups! I'm in awe!
A friend with a bun got this made by a mate, makes me laugh everytime!
Here's a (belated) pic of my stall at Winterfest in July...

Current Mood:

Current Music: some NME crap
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Today is tuesday all day

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![]() | Still sick with this sinus infection but the nasal wash is helping (urgh). I placed lots of monkey brooches, flower hair clips and fabric buttons in Muff this morning so fingers crossed... More pics for today... Tags: polka dot rabbit |
Monday, October 22, 2007
Big thanks to all the bands and the awesome habitants of the palatial domain...woo!
Thanks to all who bought stuff at the stalls and had fun etc. Raising some money for Movember and even more for me! (yay). The stalls were ace fun though we'll start them a bit later next time, we're still learning as we go.
I've lots of pics and I'll post some up for you all once I work out how to get them off the video camera.
And a special thanks to Flobs and Bergholt for minding my stall stuff while i went to see my fiancee do his rock n roll thing...sexy thing that he is....Some chick I was chatting to was visiting from Manchester and she started hyperventillating when I introduced her to him. Apparently she followed his old band around Europe or something...So strange, he's like 'er, hello' and she's like 'OMG!'. It was like a teen movie or something.
Here's Angelica's little puppy helping the band out!
he's there being a back up vocalist ;p
and heres another shot of the band: Macaca Mulatta :). The spunky guy singing is my fiancee...
More pics to come...quite ill at the moment with sinus and will be off to the doctor in a minuteA shopfront in lygon st has offered the space for a future antescene so stay tuned....
My latest purchase-perfect for brooches!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
You should come to this....

I am facilitating a Craft and Zine fair in Abbotsford on October 20th as part of Chris Chinchilla's next Antescene event.
Antescene was founded in London after constant frustrations with promoters informing new bands they can only play if they could pull more than 30 people. It provides events aim to give promising and exciting news bands a place to play where bar takings and door numbers are irrelevant.
Antescene works with venues that aren't venues, warehouses, galleries, squats, people's front rooms, creating a professionally organised and promoted show where it's all about the music.
Antescene started in London, hosting two shows that attracted in excess of 600 people and has since run two successful shows in Melbourne with more to come...
It'll be a great event, running from early evening to late with loads of live music, chocolate crackles and other goodies, craftiness and great fun.
updates of the weekend
friday night-
Sewing and such
Chris came round really late for some wild sex...
Went to breakky at a cafe with appaling service-they kept forgetting what we'd ordered and then when we went to pay had to ask again what we'd ordered...
Went to Tanya and Miles for a bbq for miles' birthday. I really need to finish the presents!
here's some pics:
I always seem to be drinking! such a lush....I made a couple of yummy salads, one greek and another with asparagus and caramelised nashi pear and other yummy things which went down well...
Afterwards we went home, I cried all the way in a emotional thing (grief is hard) then we went to Casey's birthday at Toff in Town which was ok, yummy Pimms...
Sunday was lovely, lots of sex, big yummy breaky, went to a kindergarten fete...massive walk to Royal Park. Decide to lie on the nice grass and ended up lying in the middle of the golf course(oops!). Yummy salad dinner at mine and g&t's then we went to a play but got the date wrong so I went home.
Crazy busy trying to get all my crafting and work done.
Trying to really work on my eating. No bingeing or grazing today so far :-)...
Current Mood: accomplished
Current Music: blonde redhead
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
The song without a sound...

Apple brooch made by me

I bought these bathers on line a couple of weeks ago. Need to lose a bit of weight, they have no stretch in them, unlike modern bathers...

I have laringytis and sound rather like a poorly cared for garden frog. I'm busy working on cassette purses for a consignment at Libertine's in Perth.
Here's some cheer up pics till I get my mojo back...