Unbelievably, this is my 600th blog post! I really enjoy writing a blog, it's a great way to consolidate my creativity in one place with stories, items and goodies which inspire my creativity and musings about day to day life. So much has happened in all these posts.... creating new goodies, getting
married, travelling
overseas, participating in
exhibitions, running
workshops, leaving one job for a
new enterprise....Sometimes I read other people's blogs who also sell things and their blog seems to be more advertisements for their wares and not much else and not much else but I tend not to do this as it's just plain old boring really.
But I do enjoy making things and to celebrate my 600th post I'm offering two lucky readers their choice of a gift from my
Polka Dot Rabbit shop. You can view all the items for sale
here to chose from including:
Just leave a comment below of what takes your fancy. The appearance of my shop has been a tad neglected as I am moving over to a new site with a new look and an exciting new section of goods. I expect it will be launched in the next couple of weeks!
Note: thanks to everyone for taking the time to enter! The two lucky winners have been contacted xxx