Friday, July 30, 2010

Things I like today

santa marta by favela painting

santa marta by favela painting

This is the center square of Santa Marta, a community in the heart of Rio de Janeiro, after a facade make-over by Favela Painting.

Loving this skirt!

Amazing socks
Mass grouped German pottery and crocheted pot holders displayed to great effect!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Australian Crafters: Want to exhibit your work?

Home is where the Craft is

24th September -October 3rd
Melbourne Fringe Festival
161 Albion St Brunswick

I'm curating an exhibition for the 2010 Melbourne Fringe Festival. The purpose of this exhibition to explore the role of women's crafting as part of and related to one’s home. The items crafted may have a functional purpose at home as opposed to being simply created for artistic or creative purposes.

Crafting is usually carried out in the home, often in a communal area or shared environment such as a kitchen table, living room couch or spare room. The creative process often intersects with other tasks of home life such as watching telly, waiting for the washing machine to finish etc.

Craft as a practice has gotten ridiculously big in Melbourne over the last few years, evidenced by the 60 craft markets for retailers to sell their wares and loads of zines, magazines and newspapers all devoting slabs of column to crafty industries.

Craft's function as a creative practice is somewhat obscured by it's residential location as it is primarily not done in art spaces, studios or collectives. This can mean that it is not held in a high regard as other creative mediums such as graphic design, painting and sculpture.

There are of course a whole load of contemporary about women and home crafting. These include (in no particular order) women’s empowerment in home crafting, crafting and it’s presence in cyberspace. Women as creative directors of small businesses from home, women becoming one woman sweat shops, women underselling their work, it being seen as a poor cousin to graphic and fashion design etc

What Can I exhibit?
Here is an opportunity to expose your home crafted goods in their glory. They can be of any theme related to the mission statement and of any medium. Mediums may include:

• Embroidery/needlework
• Sewing (hand or machine)
• Wool work
• Gocco
• Felting
• Quilting

Works can be for sale or simply for exhibition.

To quote from the site:
Fringe shows are inspiring, shocking, disgusting, surprising, entertaining, challenging, provoking. All of the above and none of the above!

I'm keeping it reasonably small so it's manageable but do have some more space left. Preference and definite priority will be given to work which has been designed and created within the home in a 'traditional' sense. The theme and materials can be quite diverse but preference will be given to work created without use of industrial materials such as industrial screen printers or laser cutters. Paintings and illustrations will not necessarily be considered.

People will be coming to my house to view the work and admire your crafty greatness. There'll also be an opening night and two pop up Sunday markets in my backyard!

Are you interested? Send me an email and I'll send you the details...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

New purchases...

Lovely retro red anodised coffee pot and tea pot!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Things I like today

I can't crochet, otherwiseI would love to make one of these!

I've been working back on my old job for a few weeks and this sums up my feelings nicely

I've been loving this Anthropologie print for a while...

One for all us left handed!

Loving these Jacob Whibly collages made from recycled office paper. Very Inspiring

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Things I like today

How cool is this?

The Black Apple can do no wrong

I really like this dress despite being designed by Danni Minogue

Loving Julia Rothman's new range of prints

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Things I like today

This scares and amuses me simulataneously!

The Tate by Tube(s of paint)! Made me laugh

Loving these brooches! I had to buy one.

How cool are these garage doors? I've never lived in a house with a garage since childhood, but these are mighty appealing!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Things I like today

Awesome! Part of an art installation by Yayoi Kusama

Gorgeous dress by Anthropologie

Polka Dot tights! From here

Why not a duck?

Big like of this outfit

And a real polka dotted rabbit!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Celebrate Polka Dot Rabbit's 600th blog post!

Unbelievably, this is my 600th blog post! I really enjoy writing a blog, it's a great way to consolidate my creativity in one place with stories, items and goodies which inspire my creativity and musings about day to day life. So much has happened in all these posts.... creating new goodies, getting married, travelling overseas, participating in exhibitions, running workshops, leaving one job for a new enterprise....Sometimes I read other people's blogs who also sell things and their blog seems to be more advertisements for their wares and not much else and not much else but I tend not to do this as it's just plain old boring really.

But I do enjoy making things and to celebrate my 600th post I'm offering two lucky readers their choice of a gift from my Polka Dot Rabbit shop. You can view all the items for sale here to chose from including:

Just leave a comment below of what takes your fancy. The appearance of my shop has been a tad neglected as I am moving over to a new site with a new look and an exciting new section of goods. I expect it will be launched in the next couple of weeks!

Note: thanks to everyone for taking the time to enter! The two lucky winners have been contacted xxx

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Help people help themselves

Today is the anniversary of my twin brother's death. He committed suicide on July 7th in 2007. It's not an easy time for my family, especially for my older brother who is very unwell with schizophrenia.

No one should die due to mental illness. I've seen the failures of the mental health system in more ways that I'd like to count. That said, I've also seen some amazing people and programs that are set up to help people help themselves.

Mental illness doesn't have to be a life sentence. There are ways that people can get well and have happy, functional lives. But to do this, we need to improve the way we diagnose, treat and support people with mental illness.

I know there's a lot of people who say that you shouldn't disclose personal details about mental illness and 'depressing' issues like suicide. But I think blogs should be a place for discussion, awareness raising and where possible, assistance.

Forgive me as I'm not feeling terribly articulate today. I'd like you to join the GetUp Campaign to increase funding to preventative and acute mental health services in Australia. You can read more about it here. It's a start.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Winter Veg roast is coming!

I love a good winter roast lunch. When I've visited the UK in winter, it's basically an institution at the vast majority of English pubs, enjoyed with a glass of wine and a cracking fire! But they don't seem to be quite as common in Australia, and rarely offer vegetarian options beyond the vegetables without the meat (assuming the veg and gravy don't contain animal fats).

Never fear! Aduki and Grumpy's Green have concocted a marvellous plan and are staging a special roast day to solve both those problems at one fell, tasty and affordable swoop!

So what exactly is on offer?

A scrumptious roast vegetable and chickpea in red wine reduction stuffed tofu loaf (Vegan & Gluten free) and then choose from either :

  • A glass of Deakin Estate Sav Blanc
  • A glass of Rees Miller Organic Cab Sav
  • A pot of our Organic Otway Lager
  • Soft drink including juices, tea and coffee
All for $18 on the door or $16 if you book in advance here.
Can't wait! Hope to see some of you there :)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Things I like today

New Polka Dot Rabbit Squirrel gloves!

Using vintage sheets to decorate filing folders is a lovely idea! Tutorial here

Great way to display flowers to a stunning effect!

Such beautiful furniture!

Loving this cardigan