- Keeping it as a secret from my noisy husband. (Even shopping for the bits and pieces was tricky as he kept wanting to come with me!)
- The living room is small, with no storage and I have lots of stuff as it is!
- Finding an Australian native for a Christmas tree (I trekked to Bunnings after K-Mart was no joy)
Time- it's a busy time of year for us all, hey?
I like to make things. I made some newspaper and recycled paper ornaments at work but they got rather squashed by the time I managed to smuggle them home. I may make some more depending on time...- Enviro-friendly- I was delighted to find some solar Christmas lights but am yet to charge them after the rainiest weekend in 2.5 years! I didn't want to buy a lot of clutter so I worked with the materials I had and got a few decorations.
Some pics:
Red and green above the bookcase:
Pinecones on top of the telly in a vintage bowl. I put tartan ribbon down for frou-frou:

This tree is a native Grevillia which will be planted out front after Christmas. It's not a brilliant pic, and the tree looks a bit miserable but the thought counts!
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