I enjoyed visiting the Beijing Police Museum. Whilst few exhibits provide more than basic details in English, it's a fascinating insight into the Chinese policing from it's initial rudimentary origins to combating modern day terrorism. Everything is with a pro-Communist slant which includes early accounts of washing out pro-democracy dissidents. Some of the accounts of confessions and political prisoners, I found quite chilling. In China, crimes against the state (not just murder) and corporate crimes can be subject to capital punishment.

We visited Tiananmen Square. It's simply massive! Quite exhausting to walk around but also very interesting. Of course, there's no mention or commemoration of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. When we've mentioned it to Chinese people in the past, they had no knowledge of it.

We also visiting the Forbidden City with it's mind boggling 980 buildings, multiple galleries, gardens, halls and pavillions. Fascinating stuff!

Some other things which amused me from my visit to Beijing:

Sadly I was unable to find a Chairman Mao doll for Pablo the cat (get it?)