pic from hereSome of my regular readers will be aware that Chris and I quit our full time jobs quite recently to concentrate on
Green Renters,
Aduki and
Polka Dot Rabbit. It was quite a scary thing to do but very necessary to make the jump as we were stressed and unhappy for various reasons with our previous employment.
Living on a smaller income has been ok really as we both have savings and have been earning a small income from our respective small businesses. What has really come home to me is the value of exploration and research. There's so much to do in Melbourne for free or at very low cost. In the past few weeks we have visited a heap of new places at
Melbourne Open House, attended the
State of Design launch, listened and learnt from some
great speakers, attended some gardening workshops and great films at Melbourne International Film Festival. I finally have lots of time to go to the library and borrow books and dvds and enjoy spending time cooking and crafting.
That said, working for yourself is work. Whether you choose to work dressed or otherwise, early or late, you still need to do the work. Even if there's better things to do like lie in bed or read a book when you have to sew. You can spend the day doing housework or cooking or whatever, but you won't get paid for it.

You also need a bit of a little nest egg as it can take a while for things to get going. I've been lucky in picking up some at my old job last month (it reminded me while I left) and in a couple of weeks I'll be working for the Electoral Commission for a few days.
I'm getting really excited about the Fringe Festival exhibition Home is Where the Craft Is. It'll be at my house so you'll have a chance to see where I live (must clean up!) and see the work of some amazing women! Stay tuned for more....
PS. Did you see my interview last night on the lovely Madeit.com