Here it is on the kitchen wall:

I also bought this beautiful cushion for my work office from With2ns. Gorgeous colours!

Crafty arty blog with smatterings of vintage goodness.
We've conducted a few workshops in sydney and melbourne including the Melbourne Social Forum and Sustainable Living Festival and also appeared in some print publications. We also have a fortnightly segment on Joy FM.
Well, a Fairfax journalist has contacted us for interview and is also seeking some of our 'readers' to interview.
What's needed:
People who live in Moreland, Darebin, Yarra, City of Melbourne, Port Melbourne, Albert Park (biasically the Melbourne Weekly and Emerald Weekly areas). We will come and view your rental property and give you tips on cheap and easy ways to improve your ecological footprint. Think of it is a workshop in the comfort of your own home with samples, handouts and lots of interesting information.
Fairfax would then like to interview you afterwards and take some pics.
It would be a great way for you to plug your business by mentioning the name and what you make and including some items to be included in photographs. We'd be ever so grateful and you'd be doing your bit for the environment.
Interested? Please send me an email: contact@greenrenters.org
Vegan Bake Off!
Saturday March 27th
Kindness House, 288 Brunswick St
Fitzroy VIC
Prizes to be awarded for best entry in each category as well as an overall Best in Show!
Doors open at
Non-Competitors welcome with a gold coin donation.
For more information or to RSVP please email mailto:cate@adukipress.net.au