Saturday my folks took us to Bunnings to buy a garden table and chairs set and umbrella as a wedding present. Just lovely! We had friends over for dinner (Chris cooked with veggies fresh from our garden) then we went to an awesome house party around the corner. It was a big sharehouse with a tree house! Such a peaceful place, though I only went up to the first floor being rather pissed by the time I got to the party.

Sunday morning we all went to Gluttony for a big hang over breakfast. My Russian Caravan tea was served in this lovely pink cup (the flash washed the pic out but you get the idea)

We then went to Collingwood College Community fete which was just awesome. The college is a Steiner school with huge gardens and landscapes. Here's some pics I took:

Oooh that bunny being patted looks just like my Biccy!
LOVE the pissed shot ahahah!
great weekend :D
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