Saturday night, Marni and I had a girls night at home with pizza, red wine and chocolate and we watched The Holiday

It rained all sunday and was freezing cold so Chris and I stayed indoors all day watching dvds (I can't believe he had never seen Fame hehe) and we baked a lemon cake which turned out more like some kind of soggy pudding. In the evening we braved the elements to go and see George Romero speak as part of the Melbourne International Film Festival

We might be going to London in December for Les Carter's 50th birthday ( I wouldn't have met Chris if it wasn't for Les) and to spend Christmas with Chris' family in the country. Kind of depends how much money we get back on our tax returns, as we were hoping for a trip to South America next year and I've already used this year's leave. But we have enforced Christmas close down from Dec 23rd to Jan 2nd so....
Having lovely drinks with a new friend tonight. Starting the gym tomorrow night (might not actually be weights as I have to go sign up so might end up just going for a swin or something).
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