Other news:
Craftea Chat workshops are coming along nicely with lots of wonderful presenters and quite a bit of interest. More updates to come!
I got through this week ok, monday was the anniversary of David's death. It's still terribly hard and i still get really upset thinking about him and how he died but I've made it through Christmas, our birthday and now the anniversary of his death which is a help. It's very hard to make sense of suicide and I still feel alot of pain and guilt about everything. To not have him around for key parts of my life like visiting england, my wedding and such is incredibly sad. It's so hard as everyone says, 'think of the happy memories'. These upset me the most. But I'm coping as well as I can.
I'm writing for a couple of different blogs at the moment (although I haven't had alot of time to post all that much as I would like I must confess).
The Dawn Chorus

An ace feminist blog!

Crafty creations at Polka Dot Rabbit are coming along, I have many half finished things (brooches, cassette wallets, cards) and i will be finished a cross stitch for dear friend's birthday over the weekend! My softie ducks for Softies For Mirabel are coming on nicely once I weight the feet so they don't topple over upon standing! I'm also hoping to make a doll.
The wedding is also coming along. Slowly. Despite being constantly asked, no I haven't bought a dress yet. And yes, I know I should have a long dress with long sleeves to cover my fat bits. And yes, I will be wearing glasses.
Other news is that I am joining the gym next week and looking forward to it. Much easier than worrying about my eating at the moment and berating myself for not cycling to work.
Lastly, Chris and I are going on a wonderful weekend away this weekend which I'm really looking forward to and we sorely need. We booked it originally as we share house with another person and were keen for some space but she moved on wednesday back to Perth so now we are living alone together at last! We are both really enjoying it. The weekend will involve lots of sleeping, chocolate, red wine and fun in gorgeous surroundings! Hurray!
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