a lovely winery a bit out of Bendigo.

We were picked up at the train station and taken to the property. It was basically a three level verandahed houseco-joined with the property owners. We were shared the communal areas with two other couples which was a little strange. Firstly because we didn't know them and secondly because we were all keen on time alone but were loathe to offend by appearing stand offish, a strange dynamic to be in! Luckily we got along well and were all and about doing our own thing.

Chris and I sampled loads of different wine at different venues and spent most of the weekend in a state of pleasant inebriation. Combined with lots of sex and great food (all meals were catered by the winery and were superb), this meant minimal effort and maximum enjoyment.
We also enjoyed some fantastic art at the Bendigo Art Gallery
(As it was a gallery, no pics).

Being us, we decided we hadn't enjoyed nearly enough hedonism so decided to spend our departing day at a Wine Festival in Castemaine. This meant more wine and enjoying Yabbie Burgers. I was really tired by the end of the day!

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