I have a new house mate who is very nice and plenty laid back and not too tidy. I think we'll get a shock when Chris comes back as he is really tidy by comparison to us. My room is a disaster zone, trying to fit two people's stuff in there, including computers and boxes. It barely fits me and my craft stuff as it is...Part of me is tempted to leave it until he gets home but I know I can get stuck into it and make progress ( I have made some progress, but regardless of how many storage containers you buy, if you have no where to put them its a bit hard...).
What' I've been up to:
Monday night I saw Juno and drank lots with some good friends. They were wonderful as I was so upset about Flossie and with drawing from the meds that I kept bursting into tears at all opportunities (including during the film).
Wednesday I caught up with an old friend on the tram whom I had not spoken to for several years. Had a good chat and caught up which was good as we fell out a while back. I also went to a shop front gig which was fun and inspiring in all sorts of ways. I especially enjoyed The DIamond Sea.
Friday night I had a bath and hung out watching dvds and drinking vodka and wine which was lovely.
Saturday I dropped some consignment wares off then went to Ikea with Marni and Amy. Found it a rather frustrating experience I as found the lay out confusing and was difficult to translate the goods displayed with what was in the boxes. Bought some bits and pieces like bath mat. chopping boards, scissors, storage boxes-ended up with the wrong size which is annoying.
Saturday night we all went to Afterdark for Below the Surface, a night

It's very hard not having him here. Long distance relationships are a bitch, we're never near a phone at the same time and keep missing each other and he tends not to reply to emails and sms as he assumes we will catch up on the phone which i find very frustrating. Even just trying to organise stuff like internet connection at home is confusing as I don't know which one to ask for and whether my modem is adequate or whatever. All confusing. Plus, the whole parallel lives thing is a bitch and I miss him terribly as I do things that I think he'd enjoy and he's not there to be part of it :-(
Yesterday I went to Sydney Road festival with Marni and Robin which was good fun.
I discussed the option of a shop with someone recently, but would require me paying $100 rent each week and I'm not sure how much commission I'd make for sales. Plus I'd need to do shifts. I love the idea of the opportunity but I'm not sure I could make enough stuff or break even. Will need to think about it.
Current Mood:

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