I've been happily away from the internet for nearly 2 weeks which has been very good. I was feeling really, really burnt out before Christmas so it's great to have had a restive break.
The holidays kicked off with a Macaca Mulatta performance in the Myer basement. Rather bizarre and amusing:
I've included the second photo (not brilliant) to show off the Myer retro decor that makes it look as though they were playing in a 70's living room.
After wards I had lots of drinks and book $80 worth of books including Ian McEwan's new one which I quite enjoyed.
Christmas was fun in wodonga. We stayed at a motel which was good as it had a pool and it was rather hot
Here's some random pics:
After a night in Wodonga Chris and I headed to Beechworth for a couple of nights. We stayed at Tanswell's Commercial Hotel, a really old gourmet pub which was situated next to a brewery, much to Chris' delight!
Highlights of Beechworth:
-lots of beautiful scenery
-yummy food (including awesome chips and plum pudding icecream
-managing to ride a bike up part of a hill even though it nearly killed me. I'm including the picture as proof!
-the lake! nothing like swimming in a big cold lake with the ducks
-getting away from it all and spending time with my beloved.
Pics from Beechworth:
Back at work today, fun fun fun-not. Tbey have demolished half our office and it is very noisy with the sound of vacuming and the like.
Onto crafty things:
I bought these recently:
Aunt Martha Transfers http://www.colonialpatterns.com/product_

(I attempted a skirt the other day, got ambitious and decided to make it a dress only to discover that I couldn't actually zip it up over my boobs. Poo.
And my sweetie gave me these:
I have the best partner! xxxCurrent Mood: awake
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