A few random observations at one running my own crafty and creative retail business and workshops:
- Handmade crafts are difficult to find in London. Most crafts upon closer observation are actually factory produced.
- Craft classes and studios are big business with classes ranging from sewing to DIY products.
- Sadly, Urban Outfitters and Anthropologie clothes are really of appalling quality, particularly considering the price they are retailed at.
- Many items look far better online than in person.
- Women's trainers are difficult to find in colours besides white and pink (argh) if tou want something a bit better than cons but not too expensive.
- There will always be a market for good cheese and bread.
- Books are hugely overpriced in Australia (my husband has his own publishing company and I know how much he makes from the books he sells and it's almost nothing).
- Since I have been away (nearly two months) three of my retail stockists have closed down in Australia.