Have made some cursory rental property inspections. This involves standing in full sun for on average 30 minutes, waiting for the 'running late' real estate agent, with 30 or so other people , then being shepparded through some of the darkest and dingiest places I have ever seen. We may cross Carlton and North Melbourne off our list of possible suburbs to rent in.
Its the question of whether you go for location or the place....dififcult when you don't drive but we have our bikes. West Brunswick might be a good option.
At least I have plenty of sunburn to show when I get to London! Vile stuff.
Today's my last day at work for a month (!) and I've handed over all my cases except one, cleaned my office, and I just need to do the auto reply for my email.
Going out for thai for lunch. Had yummy indian pizza last night, after going to a comedy night at a bar with Chris and Gareth ( I went for the air con heeh)....
Itenary for trip:

14th - 17th Jan : I'll be in Singapore,
17th - 21st Jan : I'l be in Lincolnshire, so any of you up North, that night be a good time to meet up...
21st - 27th Jan : I'll be in London with (Chris has a gig at the Windmill on the 26th and a DJ set at ULU on the 27th, we'll be staying in Brixton...)
28th - 29th Jan : I'll be in Reading
30th - 31st Jan : I may be in Brighton, but I may be in London, not sure about that yet...
1st - 3rd Feb : I'll be in Bath
3rd - 5th Feb : I'll be in Venice / Treviso, Italy
6th - 8th Feb : I'll be in Rome, Italy
8th Feb - 14th : I'll be back in Lincolnshire for Chris' Dad's 60th, again, any northerners, or any southerners who fancy a trip north for a few days...