I was a 'celebrity rooter' on RRR's Best of the Brat radio show last night. I went on there with some other folks to promote Winterfest and nominate our top 5 rooting songs. I didn't have much with me so opted for Sonic Youth's Halloween. Good fun, good people :-) What else have I been up to? Ummmm.... Busily making things to sell at Winterfest and various other places... I saw Tilly and the wall earlier in the week-interesting act, they have a girl tap dancing instead of a drum kit. Good for novelty entertainment but not music I would choose to buy myself... Besides that, I'm struggling to think of anything particularly momentous...saw Harry Potter and The Simpsons movie....had dinner with Chris in the city a few times.... Went Swimming and to the Hiroshima Day Rally and to the ABC's 75th Birthday Party at Fed Square... I saw a grief counsellor on friday. He made me feel a bit rushed. I'm still sad, not up to the happy memories stage yet. I sorted through some of David's stuff that he stored at my house. That was hard. Pics I like:    Current Music: Blur-Caramel |